Player Procedures
- Four Players per tee time only
- No Spectators
- Walking or single rider only on carts (unless by family members currently sheltering in the same residence).
- No Sharing of Clubs
- No tournament style events, group instruction or clinics
- Masks Required
- All players must maintain 6 feet distance at all times.
- Hand towels, ice chests with water, seed/sand bottles, on-course bunker rakes, ball washers, community tees, scorecards and pencils, rakes for sand traps, and all on- course water stations will be removed from the course.
- Flag will be no touch and left in at all times.
- Cups will be filled to within 1 inch of the green or raised above green height to avoid reaching in the cup for the ball.
- The shops shall not allow more than 2 (two) patrons in the facility at a time, while keeping a minimum of 6 feet distance from one another.
- Only take-out food and beverages services allowed.
- No indoor or outdoor seating.
- Customers will be required to wear facial coverings while in the pro shop.
- Golf clubs shall not be shared or rented.
Payment Options
- Book online or by phone
- Book by phone/prepay
- Pay at Course (CARD PAYMENT ONLY)
APPENDIX C-1 to Health Officer Order
Golf Site Requirements Use of golf courses and driving ranges authorized by this Order shall comply with the following requirements:
1. All employees will be trained on proper sanitation, as outlined by the CDC.
2. Staff will regularly sanitize all touch points.
3. All employees and customers will be required to follow Federal, State, and local guidelines for social distancing, e.g., by maintaining at least 6-foot distance from others.
4. Tee reservations must be limited to four players or less, to ensure social distancing requirements can be met at all times.
5. No shared equipment.
6. Walking or single rider only on carts (unless by family members currently sheltering in the same residence).
7. Carts to be cleaned and sanitized with soap, bleach or disinfectant after after-each use.
9. No tournament style events.
10. No private lessons, group instruction or clinics.
11. No private club cleaning by personnel.
12. Check in for round must require no physical interaction with golf site staff, who must stay six feet or more from golfers.
13. Remove hand towels, ice chests with water, seed/sand bottles, on-course bunker rakes, community tees, and scorecards and pencils.
14. Public drinking fountains and ball washers are to be covered and closed.
15. Cups must be raised, inverted or otherwise altered so that the ball can easily be picked up without touching the cup.
16. Flag sticks must be removed or designed as no touch and left in at all times.
17. Driving Range Restrictions:
a. Hitting stations will be a minimum of six feet apart.
b. Balls will be thoroughly cleaned with soap, bleach or disinfectant after each pick of the range and before they are placed back on the range.
c. All range staff attendants must wear gloves and must wear face coverings in compliance with current health officer orders.
d. Golf clubs shall not be shared or rented.
e. Range buckets must be disinfected after each golfer use.
18. Post, in areas visible to all workers, required hygienic practices including not touching face with unwashed hands or with gloves; washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use of hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, machines, shared tools, and doorknobs; covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing as well as other hygienic recommendations by the CDC.
19. Golf courses and driving ranges shall designate a site-specific COVID-19 supervisor to enforce this guidance. The designated COVID-19 supervisor shall be present on site at all times during golfing activities. The COVID19 supervisor can be an on-site worker who is designated to carry this role.